Patch Notes

Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch Notes 1.08 (6/6/17)

Along with continued improvements to Mass Effect: Andromeda, the upcoming patch 1.08 also addresses feedback we received from the community. Improved Character Creator We’ve expanded the options available in the character creator, giving you greater control over your Ryder’s appearance. Two new heads were added, one male and one female,

Star Trek Online Patch Notes (6/1/17)

General: -Added Bank, Mail, and Exchange interacts to the interior of the Amarie-class Smuggler’s Heavy Escort along with other amenities. -The Energy Credit Caps have been increased: *The maximum amount of energy credits that subscribers and players which have purchased the Energy Credit Cap unlock can have per character has

Battlefield 1 Patch Notes: May Update (5/30/17)

OPERATIONS We’ve received a lot of feedback from gamers regarding matchmaking into Operations servers, and we’ve made some adjustments – the first of many – to help mitigate getting matched to an empty server. With this change, a completed match of Operations will loop back to the same Operation rather

Star Trek Online Patch Notes (5/25/17)

General: -Mirror Invasion Event: *Portals will continue to spawn until the timer runs out in the first phase. *Enemies clean up at the end of the Advanced version. -Resolved a graphics related crash that frequently occurred in ground battlezones. -Resolved an issue with the Husnock Warship where Prevailing Impulse Engine

Overwatch Patch Notes (5/23/17)

New Seasonal Event: Overwatch Anniversary We’re raising our glasses to toast the 30 million heroes who have answered the call to join us in Overwatch! From now until June 12, players can collect more than 100 Anniversary-themed rewards, and play three new Arena maps in the Arcade—all in celebration of

Star Trek Online Patch Notes (5/18/17)

General: The art for the Miranda has been updated to be more in line with its canon model from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. -This update will automatically be applied to existing ships. -For more details, please visit the Miranda blog at: Twin Tribulations: *Resolved a couple

Star Trek Online Patch Notes (5/11/17)

General: -The Player Potential System has been improved to more accurately match groups in the 3 Wargame Scenario queues. *The Player Potential System is currently set up only for the 3 Wargame Scenario queues. -Resolved a crash that would occasionally occur when patching or loading into maps. -Survivor: Resolved an

Star Trek Online Patch Notes (5/4/17)

New Feature: War Game Scenario – Twin Tribulations: -This is a new style of queue where players train against the environment and themselves in a cross faction 5v5 space War Game Scenario. -This will be a Gauntlet style match where two teams of players race each other to a finish

Overwatch Patch Notes (4/27/17)

(Sorry it’s a day late.) General -Added a slider for aim smoothing. This can be found under the “Controls” tab in the “Options menu. Click “Advanced” under the “Controller” heading Developer Comments: By default, aim smoothing/acceleration is set to the same value that players are used to (full smoothing, low

Star Trek Online Patch Notes (4/27/17)

General: Player Potential System has been turned on for PvE Queues. -For details on this system, please visit the Player Potential System blog Here. *This is not turned on for PvP queues. Core Assault: -Failing on Elite now grants a Competitive Wargame Elite Mark instead of a Temporal one. -Enemies

Elite Dangerous Patch 2.3.02 (4/27/17)

Hi everyone, We’re extending tomorrow morning’s usual hour-long downtime to roughly two hours to allow us to implement the 2.3.02 update (for PC and Mac players). The galaxy servers will go down at 8am and they are expected to be back up for 10am. This information is subject to change,

Elite Dangerous Patch 2.3.01 (4/25/17)

Stability Fixes -Fix to prevent a crash under some network conditions, that could occur when arriving in a session just as another player jumps away -Fixed a crash that could occur when the helm initiated a supercruise jump while a Multi-Crew player was in a fighter -Fixed a crash that