Weekly Wrap Up (7/23/18 – 7/27/18)

With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.

Origins “On The House” quietly ends

PCGamer has discovered that EA has very quietly discontinued there Origin “On The House” program. For those that don’t know, Origin would randomly put up a game for free for a short amount of time for anyone to take and keep forever. The very first game they used was the original Dead Space.

Ozzy’s Thoughts: While none of the games On The House offered were brand new, recent, or even huge money makers, it was nice that EA did this. Now that it’s gone, well it won’t exactly be a horrible hit or a transitivity. When EA decided to make all there games “Origin Exclusive” it forced many (at the time) to start using something OTHER than Steam. But since Origin didn’t (and still slightly doesn’t) run as well or have as many features as Steam, so they had to entice people to install it. At the time it annoying to most of us (at least myself) to have more than one launcher. Nowadays we’re so use to every game provider of having there own “store” that it’s no longer a big deal.

So “bye bye” goes On The House. It is sad that this happened, that was one of the nice things that kept you interested in keeping Origin on, if you didn’t have an EA game on your computer that is.

But times change, we move on and so do the company’s.

Written by: Ozzy

Dreamer, optimist, sci-fi lover, Trekkie, caring supporter, loves GOOD music, loves a good story, laid back, has a thing for Aussie accents, and an avid gamer for fun.