World of Warships Update 0.6.1

Dasha Presents 0.6.1: Link
We’re launching a new system of special upgrades available after earning various achievements and completing various activities. As of this update, they can be found in Supercontainers or earned for reaching high ranks in Ranked Battles Season 6. You can install them on specific ship classes or specific nations, while some are available only for a single ship.
New upgrades are not available for Arpeggio or Dragon ships.
Upgrade Slot Action Availability Recommended Uses
Engine Boost 1:Increases the consumable’s operation time by 50%
Smoke Generator 1: Increases the consumable’s operation time by 30%; reduces the lifetime of smokes by 12%
Spotting Aircraft 1: Increases the consumable’s operation time by 30%
Damage Control Party 1: Increases the consumable’s operation time by 40%
Defensive AA Fire 1: Increases the consumable’s operation time by 20%
Hydroacoustic Search 1: Increases the consumable’s operation time by 20%
Surveillance Radar 1 Modernization: Increases the consumable’s operation time by 40%
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