Fallout 4 Full Review

Accidentally discovering Fallout 3 at a thrift store for $5, I figured “eh, the cover looks cool, I’ll get it.” Little did I know that the play-through upon play-through upon hours upon hours I would be playing that game. How many times I would save every few minutes out of fear of loosing a companion or Dogmeat…dear god not Dogmeat.
Fallout 3 was my first, proper RPG, scavenging weapons in order keep my favorite weapon working. That one heavy weapon in case a horrible creature came along…and lets face it, the horrible creature was always going to be a deathclaw. But the thing was about non-patched Fallout 3…it was more Bethesda than Fallout. And if you don’t get what I mean…I mean it was UNPLAYABLE. Crashing every few minutes, corrupt saves, and where I lived at the time I had dial-up internet so downloading the ...