Elite: Dangerous

I played the beta since about 3 to 4 months before it was officially released. The games been released since December 2014 but has only been on Steam since April 2015. So think about 100 hrs. more/less of gametime. I personally have been looking for a game such as this

Elite: Dangerous Story

Elite: Dangerous One commanders journey from Gamma patch to Launch. Before reading: please note to all, I do NOT claim myself to be an MLGer, nor the best. Just a basic, decent player of any game. So if you’re looking to this article on how to “make money quick” or

Elite: Dangerous

I apologize in advance for sounding like a fan boy and being a Star Trek fan. Cause I am. Ever since first hearing about this game, to be honest, I seriously thought the title was a CoD ripoff. I paid it no mind, since I don’t like CoD. Whenever I

Star Trek: Online Delta Rising Expansion

THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS! Before I start, yes I know it must be a shocker. The MMO Star Trek: Online is still around and yes yet another expansion has happened. The bulletin points of this expansion are: Increased Level Cap from 50 to 60. New Ships