Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Back to Hell DLC Review

$15 Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Back to Hell DLC adds co-op and fifty-eight new units but is it worth it ?
$15 Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Back to Hell DLC adds co-op and fifty-eight new units but is it worth it ?
Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Back in Black Patch Notes (11/22/17)
Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Second Wave DLC Review
“Closer” Update for Steel Division: Normandy 44 that accompanies the Second Wave DLC
Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Second Wave DLC Giveaway!
“The Division Bell”, Steel Division: Normandy 44’s fourth patch, is now available. Still developed with the help of selected members of our community, this new patch is all about divisions and balancing.”
Steel Division: Normandy 44 Patch Notes (8/9/17) This patch contains meta changes a new map variant a few upgrades fix and even updates to modding. To read all of them, check out the whole article.
Come join and participate in our 1v1 Steel Division Tournament for a chance to win prices on August 12th!
“The Duellists” update is live! Check out some new redone maps for larger battles and quite a few fixes.
The patch is quite large coming in at 1.5gb in size but has a laundry list of bug fix’s and balance changes. I hope that this game continues to get balance changes and updates to keep the game competitive. For a full list of all the changes check out the patch notes below.
Eugene Systems recently released the RTS Steel Division: Normandy 44 on to PC after it spent a month in pre-order beta. Eugene Systems also did Act of Aggression: Reboot Edition in 2015. They were also the same developers that also did R.U.S.E back in 2010. So they have quite a
Eugen Systems put out a blog post today detailing future content and patches that are in the works for the game. The most noticeable thing to me is the Observer mode that was going to be a complaint in the review. With that being said I’m still working on the