Patch Notes

Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Patch Notes (6/28/17)
“The Duellists” update is live! Check out some new redone maps for larger battles and quite a few fixes.
Elite Dangerous Patch 2.3.10 (6/26/17)

Bug fixes and requested improvements to Mutli-Crew along with fixing the cockpit of the Anaconda.
Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Patch Notes (6/14/17)

The patch is quite large coming in at 1.5gb in size but has a laundry list of bug fix’s and balance changes. I hope that this game continues to get balance changes and updates to keep the game competitive. For a full list of all the changes check out the patch notes below.
Star Trek Online Patch Notes (6/8/17)

General: New feature: Added the ability to protect items. -This new feature allows the player to protect most types of items from accidentally selling, discarding, trading, putting in the guild bank or mailing. *To use this feature: *Open the inventory. *Right click on an item. *Choose “Change Protected Status to
Overwatch Patch Notes (6/6/17)

BUG FIXES General -Fixed several bugs that allowed players to reach unintended locations on multiple maps -Fixed a bug that caused players to fall from moving platforms while dancing -Fixed a crash that would occur when rendering fog for players with certain hardware User Interface -Fixed a bug that caused
Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch Notes 1.08 (6/6/17)

Along with continued improvements to Mass Effect: Andromeda, the upcoming patch 1.08 also addresses feedback we received from the community. Improved Character Creator We’ve expanded the options available in the character creator, giving you greater control over your Ryder’s appearance. Two new heads were added, one male and one female,