Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Patch Notes (6/28/17)
“The Duellists” update is live! Check out some new redone maps for larger battles and quite a few fixes.
Steam Summer Sale is here! (June 22 – July 5th)

The sticker collecting event of 2017 is here! Also games are also on deep discount for a limited time. Find out more inside.
GTA V & The end of OpenIV

Take-Two issued a cease and desist order to the mod team responsible for OpenIV. My thoughts about the motives and what the future might hold.
Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Patch Notes (6/14/17)

The patch is quite large coming in at 1.5gb in size but has a laundry list of bug fix’s and balance changes. I hope that this game continues to get balance changes and updates to keep the game competitive. For a full list of all the changes check out the patch notes below.
Steel Division: Normandy 44 Review

Eugene Systems recently released the RTS Steel Division: Normandy 44 on to PC after it spent a month in pre-order beta. Eugene Systems also did Act of Aggression: Reboot Edition in 2015. They were also the same developers that also did R.U.S.E back in 2010. So they have quite a
Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Week One Blog Post

Eugen Systems put out a blog post today detailing future content and patches that are in the works for the game. The most noticeable thing to me is the Observer mode that was going to be a complaint in the review. With that being said I’m still working on the
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Open Beta Thoughts

So the open beta weekend for Rising Storm 2 Vietnam has ended as I write this and I wanted to get my thoughts about it out. This is by no means a review of the final product and is based only on the free beta weekend. So just to give
Halo Wars: Definitive Edition Review

The original Halo Wars released on Xbox 360 in 2009 and while it never was a deep RTS game it brought the Halo universe into the Real Time Strategy genre for the first time. Many hardcore Halo fans would claim this was the original intention with the game before Microsoft
Dawn of War III Open beta this month!

Dawn of War III is an RTS game developed by Relic Entertainment and is the third installment of the current generation of games. It takes place in the Games Workshop® Warhammer 40,000 universe. It involves having huge armies fight against each other for control of territory. Open Beta Sign ups are
Day of Infamy Review

It’s been many years since an older style World War II game came out. Specifically it was 2005 when Day of Defeat: Source was released. Now 12 years later we have New World Interactive has released Day of Infamy based on a modification to their game Insurgency. They brought game
Day Of Infamy March 22nd Patch Notes

With the game releasing tomorrow and supposedly another patch coming as well. We have a patch released on March 22nd 2017 a day before the release. Full update changelist below: NEW CONTENT New M1A1 Paratrooper Carbine. New music for the following: Counter-attacks in coop Beginning of the round for Attacking