With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.
Deadly Shooting at Madden NLF 19 prelim tournament Sunday (8/26/18)
It’s always disheartening when people feel that the most appropriate response for whatever they are feeling is violence, especially deadly violence. It’s with a heavy heart that this was the case this past Sunday during a Madden NLF 19 tournament in Jacksonville Florida. Due to the actions of one person the Madden community lost two players, Eli “True” Clayton and Taylor “SpotMePlzzz” Robertson. The two young men lost their lives over as time of writing, a video game. If you would like to read more information about the incident, you can read about that here. Our condolences are with the families of those affected by this tragedy.

Source: Tubefilter.com – Clayton on the right and Robertson on the left
Wiggin’s thoughts on the subject: This event will inevitably devolve into a gun debate with politics playing a close second. While I will agree that it is something that needs to be addressed at that level, I think there things that could and should be done in the interim. A few questions that come to mind when the event broke, including how did the gunman get into the event with a weapon? Was there any security, and if so what were they doing to prevent something like this from happening? Obviously it’s not their fault this happened but I feel like if you take a game tournament with so much money on the line, you’re going to have people upset, you would like to think these individuals would not resort to shooting their fellow competitors, but in this day in age, anything is possible and those running the event need to be prepared for anything. It’s unfortunate that so many times, we are reactionary in our actions, and we need something bad to happen before we prepare for the worst. It hurts because this was over a video game, one that many play for fun. I hope moving forward that we can prepare and put in some sort of safe guards to prevent this from happening again. In the meantime we will remember these young men for their actions in and out of the game. My condolences are with the families of those affected by this tragedy.