Weekly Wrap Up (7/16/18) – (7/20/18)

With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.

Source: Battlefield.com

Battlefield 5 open beta in September, balance changes to come

EA has announced the open beta for Battlefield 5 will take place sometime in September according to there post on Battlefield.com.  Besides mentioning matchmaking problems, “clunky revives” they have also mentioned changes not only to Churchill and V1 call ins but Time-To-Kill (TTK) changes as well.  They also showed telemetry of the most fights in areas of the map which were actually interesting to see.

Ozzy’s Thoughts:   Having played the closed alpha I’m interested in what they’re going to change.  Instead of playing every aspect of the game (tasting everything on the table,) I decided to play how I would play normally if it were out.  Since I love to medic in any game, the reviving in the alpha made me HATE playing medic.  The delay to revive someone, the delay upon reviving someone, trying to figure out where there bodies were and to the people that god revived with no ammo,  it was extremely frustrating to play that I honestly stopped reviving and just healed.  They’re addressing that (I don’t know about the ammo loss though) to make it easier to play, and faster.

Since the alpha had a limited amount of weapons it was very restrictive to what situation you were in.  Spawning in with a rifle in close quarters most likely meant you died upon spawning in or vice versa on open ground.  It was annoying, but understandable.  And since the game wasn’t optimized it was hard to fight when you went from smooth frames to chugging 30 or less depending on where you’re looking.  TTK seemed honestly okay, especially when we can control the guns more than BF1 but I understand the upcoming change.  Sometimes it seemed too fast.

Since this was only one map and a small sample of weapons, keep in mind that doesn’t translate to a flawless open beta in September, or even launch.  Either way, I’m looking forward to the changes, maybe all these and others will make me actually fall in love with the game instead of my “meh” feeling of the alpha.

Written by: Ozzy

Dreamer, optimist, sci-fi lover, Trekkie, caring supporter, loves GOOD music, loves a good story, laid back, has a thing for Aussie accents, and an avid gamer for fun.