The Sims 4 Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on. Then input the cheat codes into the text input field that appears at the top of the screen.

Cheat Code Outcome
motherlode 50,000 Simoleons
stats.fill_commodities_household Max Motives (Fix household needs)
bb.moveobjects Move Objects on
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlock all career rewards
cas.fulleditmode All CAS abilities will become available


Money Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat codes into the text input field that appears at the top of the screen.

Cheat Code Outcome
kaching 1,000 Simoleons
rosebud 1,000 Simoleons
motherlode 50,000 Simoleons
Money {number} Change funds from household to certain number
Sims.modify_funds +{number} Add Simoleons to household
Sims.modify_funds -{number} Subtract Simoleons from household
households.autopay_bills Automatically Pay Bills
FreeRealEstate {on/off} All lots are free when entered in neighborhood/world


Build/Buy Mode Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on

Cheat Code Outcome
bb.moveobjects Move Objects on
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlock all career rewards
Shift + ] Increase the size of objects
Shift + [ Decrease the size of objects that were previously enlarged
bb.showhiddenobjects Buy Debug mode
bb.enablefreebuild Edit the Hospital, Police Station, Science Lab and Secret


Skill Cheats

Use these cheats to max out your sims skill level. If you don’t want to max your sims skill level, change the number 10 with the preferred skill level from 1 to 9. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on.

Cheat Code Outcome
stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking 10 Max out Baking skill
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 Max out Charisma skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10 Max out Comedy skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10 Max out Cooking skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 Max out Fishing skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10 Max out Fitness skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10 Max out Gardening skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10 Max out Gourmet Cooking skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10 Guitar skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10 Handiness skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism 10 Herbalism skill
(The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10 Logic skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10 Mischief skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10 Mixology skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10 Painting skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 5 Photography skill (Max is 5)
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10 Piano skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10 Programming skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping 10 Reaping skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10 Rocket Science skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10 Video Gaming skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10 Violin skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10 Writing skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10 Wellness skill (Spa Day)
stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic 5
stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance 5
stats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5
Retail Skills
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10 Social skill (children only)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10 Motor skill (children only)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10 Creativity skill (children only)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10 Mental skill (children only)
crafting.shorten_phases Faster crafting


Toddler Skill Cheats 

Cheat Code Outcome
Skill_Toddler_Communication {1-5}
Increases the
Communication Skill (Toddler Only)
Skill_Toddler_Imagination {1-5}
Increases the
Imagination Skill (Toddler Only)
Skill_Toddler_Movement {1-5}
Increases the Movement
Skill (Toddler Only)
Skill_Toddler_Potty {1-3}
Increases the Potty
Skill (Toddler Only)


Career/Teen Jobs Promotion & School Grades Cheats

If you want to promote your Sims in their careers, use these cheats! To demote the Sims in their career, replace promote for demote. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C.

Cheat Code Outcome
careers.add_career {careername} Add Career
careers.promote Astronaut Astronaut career
(space ranger & interstellar smuggler paths)
careers.promote Athletic Athlete career
(professional athlete & bodybuilder paths)
careers.promote Business Business career
(management & investor paths)
careers.promote Criminal Criminal career
(boss & oracle paths)
careers.promote Culinary Culinary career
(chef & mixologist paths)
careers.promote Entertainer Entertainer career
(musician & comedian paths)
careers.promote Painter Painter career
(master of the real & patron of the arts paths)
careers.promote SecretAgent Secret Agent career
(diamond agent & villain paths)
careers.promote TechGuru TechGuru career
(esport gamer & start-up entrepreneur paths)
careers.promote Writer Writer career
(author & journalist paths)
careers.promote Detective Detective career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote Doctor Doctor career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote Scientist Scientist career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.remove_career {careername} Quit Career
careers.retire {careername} Retire from your job & receive a pension check every
careers.promote Babysitter Babysitter (only teens)
careers.promote Barista Barista (only teens)
careers.promote FastFood Fast Food Employee (only teens)
careers.promote Manual Manual Laborer (only teens)
careers.promote Teen_Retail Retail Employee (only teens)
careers.promote Gradeschool Raise a Child’s Grade Performance in Grade School
careers.promote Highschool Raise a Teen’s Grade Performance in High School


Moodlet/Emotion Cheats

Change your Sims emotions with moodlet cheats. Every moodlet cheat gives +2. If you want a +1 moodlet you can replace High for Low. Some buffs only work if you remove other moodlets. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on.

Cheat Code Outcome
Sims.remove_all_buffs Removes all emotions/moodlets
Sims.add_buff EnergizedHigh Energized Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_energized Energized Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff ConfidentHigh Confident Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_confident Confident Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff FlirtyHigh Flirty Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_flirty Flirty Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff InspiredHigh Inspired Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_inspired Inspired Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff FocusedHigh Focused Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_focused Focused Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff PlayfulHigh Playful Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_playful Playful Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff SadHigh Sad Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_sad Sad Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff feelingangry Angry Moodlet
Sims.add_buff Social_Angry Angry Moodlet
sims.add_buff unfaithful Angry Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_angry Angry Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff Social_Happy Happy Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_happy Happy Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff e_buff_uncomfortable Uncomfortable Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff e_buff_embarrassed Embarrassed Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff social_bored Bored Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_bored Bored Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Fun_desperate Tense Moodlet
sims.add_buff buff_Tense Tense Moodlet (for 20 days)
sims.add_buff buff_Dazed Dazed Moodlet


Death Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on. Fastest way to kill a Sim is using one of these cheats (but why would you want to?).

Cheat Code Outcome
sims.add_buff Buff_Mortified Death by Embarrassment (cause death in a few hours)
sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving Death by Hunger (cause death in 24 hours)
sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning Death by Repair (the Sim has to repair something
electronic to trigger death)
sims.add_buff buff_Hysterical Death by Laughing (perform a funny interaction to trigger
sims.add_buff buff_Enraged Death by Anger (cause death in a few hours)
sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning Death by Overexertion
Death.toggle Disables Death


Technical Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on

Cheat Code Outcome
fullscreen Toggle full screen
Help Lists all available commands!
sims.hard_reset Reset the Sim
headlineeffects {on/off} Hide all headline effects like Plumbobs, thought balloons,
cas.fulleditmode All CAS abilities will become available
casclockspeed {0-10} Lower the Create a Sim clock speed (0 is pause)
fps {on/off} See the fps (frames per second) on the screen while


Relationship Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on. To make mutual changes to the relationship within one household you need to enter the cheat code for both Sims and switch the names.

Cheat Code Outcome
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName}
{PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100
Adds positive friendship to 2 SimsExample: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName}
{PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100 Romance_Main
Adds positive romance to 2 Sims
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName}
{PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100
Adds negative friendship to 2 Sims
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName}
{PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100
Adds negative romance to 2 Sims
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others Makes Acquaintances with all Sims (takes a few seconds)
relationships.create_friends_for_sim Spawns a new Sim friend on your lot (50% friendship bar)


Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on.

Cheat Code Outcome
Aspirations.complete_current_milestone Completes current aspiration challenge and awards points
sims.add_buff Satisfaction_Points Adds 100 aspiration/satisfaction points. (This is applied
as a buff, remove with sims.remove_all_buffs before reapplying)
Sims.Spawn Spawns a Sim and adds the Sim to your household
Sims.spawnsimple{number} Spawns a Sim to your lot as a visitor
Setage Sims is becomes an adult
sims.fill_all_commodities Max Motives (Fix one Sims needs)
stats.fill_commodities_household Max Motives (Fix everyones needs)
sims.give_satisfaction_points {number} Add Satisfaction Point to your Sim
Death.toggle Sims can’t die
resetSim {Firstname} {Lastname} Reset your Sim
testingcheats {true/false} Enables use of cheats
sims.add_buff Pregnancy_InLabor Make Any Sim or Ghost Look Pregnant


Reward Trait Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on. If you want to remove traits use: traits.remove_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces}

Trait Cheat Code Trait
traits.equip_trait Alluring Alluring
Alluring Sims are more successful at romance than others.
traits.equip_trait AlwaysWelcome Always Welcome
Always Welcome Sims will act more at home when at others’ residences, and the
hosts won’t mind at all!
Angler’s Tranquility
Sims with Angler’s Tranquility will find that all of their problems seem to
melt away while they are fishing.
traits.equip_trait Antiseptic Antiseptic
Antiseptic Sims’ Hygiene Need decays much slower.
traits.equip_trait Appraiser Appraiser
Appraisers can sell collectibles like Metals, Crystals, Elements, and Fossils
to the Simsonian Museum for extra money.
traits.equip_trait Beguiling Beguiling
Beguiling Sims can put anyone in a flirty mood with just one look.
traits.equip_trait Business_Savvy Business Savvy
Business Savvy Sims earn more than the standard rate from careers.
traits.equip_trait Carefree Carefree
Carefree Sims will never get Tense.
traits.equip_trait Collector Collector
Collectors can find rare collectibles more often!
traits.equip_trait EternalBond Companion
Sims with a Companion have special interactions with their spouse that help
ease the trials of life.
traits.equip_trait Connections Connections
Sims with Connections start all Careers several levels ahead!
Creative Visionary
Creative Visionaries have a higher chance of painting and writing
Creatively Gifted
Creatively Gifted Sims build adult creative skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Dastardly Dastardly
Dastardly Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.
traits.equip_trait FamilySim Domestic
Domestic Sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster.
traits.equip_trait Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial Sims are more likely to get promoted in their Career.
traits.equip_trait EssenceOfFlavor Essence of Flavor
Sims with the Essence of Flavor make higher quality food and drink.
traits.equip_trait Expressionistic Expressionistic
Expressionistic Sims have captured the essence of feeling, and can create
highly emotional works of art regardless of their actual mood!
traits.equip_trait Fertile Fertile
Fertile Sims have an easier time when trying for a baby, and a higher chance
of twins or triplets.
traits.equip_trait FreeServices Free Services
All single use service requests are free.
traits.equip_trait FreshChef Fresh Chef
Fresh Chefs always make the highest quality food, and it never spoils!
traits.equip_trait Frugal Frugal
A Frugal Sim’s household has reduced bills.
traits.equip_trait GreatKisser Great Kisser
Great Kissers have amazing success with kissing, and increase Charisma with
every kiss!
traits.equip_trait Gregarious Gregarious
Gregarious Sims build friendly relationships faster.
traits.equip_trait GymRat Gym Rat
Gym Rats build Fun and don’t lose Hygiene while exercising!
traits.equip_trait TheKnack Handy
Handy Sims can instantly Fix and Upgrade any object.
traits.equip_trait HardlyHungry Hardly Hungry
Some Sims just don’t have much of an appetite.
traits.equip_trait High_Metabolism High Metabolism
It is easier to stay fit and trim when you have High Metabolism.
traits.equip_trait Hilarious Hilarious
Hilarious Sims can never go wrong with a joke, and have a few extra-special
ones up their sleeve.
traits.equip_trait Independent Independent
Independent Sims’ Social Need decays slower.
traits.equip_trait Longevity Long Lived
Long Lived lets Sims live longer lives, barring any accidents.
traits.equip_trait Marketable Marketable
Marketable Sims sell items they’ve crafted for more Simoleons!
traits.equip_trait Mastermind Mastermind
Masterminds know just the right things to say to cause anger, sadness, and
jealousy in their opponents.
traits.equip_trait Memorable Memorable
Relationships decay more slowly.
traits.equip_trait MentallyGifted Mentally Gifted
Mentally Gifted Sims build adult mental skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Mentor Mentor
Once Mentors reach Level 10 in certain skills, the Mentor interaction becomes
available and they can help other Sims improve their skills even more
traits.equip_trait MorningPerson Morning Sim
Morning Sim build extra skill in the morning.
traits.equip_trait Muser Muser
Musers get better boosts to their skills when they’re inspired.
traits.equip_trait OneWithNature Naturalist
Sims that are Naturalists don’t need to fear fire; it won’t touch them, and
they can extinguish it with ease.
traits.equip_trait NeverWeary Never Weary
Never Weary Sims need less sleep.
traits.equip_trait NightOwl Night Owl
Night Owls build extra skill at night.
traits.equip_trait Observant Observant
Observant Sims learn the traits of others just by meeting them.
traits.equip_trait PerfectHost Perfect Host
Perfect Hosts get a boost to the score of any social event they throw.
Physically Gifted
Physically Gifted Sims build adult physical skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Piper Piper
Pipers know an arsenal of songs that have significant power over others.
traits.equip_trait Player Player
Players will never cause other Sims to get jealous, no matter what they do.
traits.equip_trait EpicPoet Poetic
Poetic Sims can capture life itself in a book, and wield it to bring back
someone they’ve lost.
traits.equip_trait PotionMaster Potion Master
Potion Masters can mix potent drinks which can sway the drinker’s emotions.
traits.equip_trait ProfessionalSlacker Professional Slacker
Professional Slackers have no fear of being demoted or fired.
traits.equip_trait Chronicler Professorial
Professorial Sims can write helpful manuals about any skill they’re
wellversed in.
traits.equip_trait Quick_Learner Quick Learner
Quick Learners build all skills a little bit faster.
traits.equip_trait Savant Savant
Savants gain all skills much faster!
traits.equip_trait Shameless Shameless
Shameless Sims will never get Embarrassed!
traits.equip_trait Invested Shrewd
Shrewd Sims receives a direct deposit each week based on their Household
traits.equip_trait Sincere Sincere
Sincere Sims have more success with Apologies and Compliments.
traits.equip_trait SociallyGifted Socially Gifted
Socially Gifted Sims build adult social skills faster.
traits.equip_trait SpeedCleaner Speed Cleaner
Speed Cleaners tidy up much faster!
traits.equip_trait SpeedReader Speed Reader
Speed Readers read books faster than your average Sim.
traits.equip_trait SteelBladder Steel Bladder
Sims with a Steel Bladder rarely have to pay attention to their Bladder Need.
traits.equip_trait SuperGreenThumb Super Green Thumb
Super Green Thumbs will find that the plants they garden have amazing
traits.equip_trait ValuedCustomer Thrifty
Thrifty Sims receive a 10% rebate on all Build Mode purchases made each week.
Rebates will be directly applied to Household Funds.
traits.equip_trait Bane Tormentor
Tormentors can sabotage almost anything, be it an object or another Sim’s
best efforts.
By being Vicarious, your Children’s skill gains can contribute to your own!
traits.equip_trait Webmaster Webmaster
Webmasters get the most out of their computers, unlocking extremely useful
ways to use them.


Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat)

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on.

Trait Cheat Code Trait
Great Storyteller
Great Storytellers always succeed at telling bigger and better stories!
Incredibly Friendly
Incredibly Friendly Sims are immediately liked when met with a nice
Stoves and Grills
Stoves and Grills Masters have a chance to create impeccable quality
consumables that use stoves and grills!
Survivalists are most comfortable using camping equipment and living off the


Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Get to Work)

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats on.

Trait Cheat Code Trait
Sickness Resistance
Resilient immunity, Sims will have a lower chance of getting sick and will
recover from sickness faster.



Illness System (The Sims 4 Get to Work)

The Sims 4 Get To Work Expansion introduces a sickness system to the game. If you do not want to wait for your Sims to show symptoms the “natural” way, you can use the following cheats to force symptoms on a Sim. Please note that symptoms do not stack, therefore Sims can only experience one symptom at a time with cheats.


Spa Day Cheat codes

Cheat Code Skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10 Wellness Skill (1-10)


Get Together Cheat codes

Cheat Code Skill
Major_DJ 10
DJ Skill (1-10)
Minor_Dancing 5
Dancing Skill (1-5)


Restaurant Skills (The Sims 4 Dine Out)

In The Sims 4 Dine Out, restaurant owners have the ability to hire employees with Charisma, Comedy, Cooking, Fitness, and Mixology skill-sets. These skills range between levels 1-10, and not every employee will top off from the start.

To ensure your employees are as top notch as they can get, you can create your own potential employees that show as “available for hire”. To create and hire employees who are at the top of their game, follow these steps:

For Player Created Employees:

  1. Place a household of your preferred workers onto a lot.
  2. Evict them from the lot.
  3. Use the restaurant owner to open the Hire Employees menu, spawning NPCs for it.
  4. Go to the manage households.
  5. Delete all NPC Sims you do not want.

This should leave just the Sims you want to hire as options. Once they are hired, feel free to move them back into your world.


Restaurant Perks (The Sims 4 Dine Out)


The Sims 4 City Living Cheats

Cheats Outcome
stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10 Max out Singing skill (The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote SocialMedia Get promoted in the Social Media career(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote careers_adult_critic Get promoted in the Critic career(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote Activist Get promoted in the Politician career(The Sims 4 City Living)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 Get 1 million followers on Simstagram


Trait Cheats  (The Sims 4 City Living)

Cheats Trait
traits.equip_trait HomeTurf Home TurfThese Sims become Happy when they are in their home neighborhood.
traits.equip_trait SpiceHound Spice HoundSpice Hounds never find any food too Spicy, and feel Happy for hours after eating a Spicy Meal.
traits.equip_trait InTheKnow In the KnowSims who are in the Know can get a massive discount on market stall purchases if they Haggle with vendors.
traits.equip_trait ChopstickSavvy Chopstick SavvyFrom slippery noodles to tiny peas, these Sims have mastered the art of eating with Chopsticks.
traits.equip_trait trait_hidden_career_critic_thrifty Critically ConnectedLeveraging their status in the art world, Critically Connected Sims receive a 20% rebate on all Art purchased in Build Mode each week. Rebates will be applied directly to Household Funds.


Turn Sim into a Vampire (The Sims 4 Vampires)

Cheats Outcome
stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 Makes your Sim transform into a Vampire


Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Vampires)

Cheats Outcome
Traits.equip_trait TrueMaster A True MasterA True Master not only excels at Mind Control Powers, they also have greater stores of Vampire Energy to call upon.
Traits.equip_trait TheMaster I am the MasterI am the Master grants supernatural control. Command Powers used on Vampire Offspring always succeed.
Traits.equip_trait RegainedHumanity Regained HumanityVampires with Regained Humanity seem kinder and safer. Sims are more likely give permission to Drink.


Vampire Perks (The Sims 4 Vampires)

“bucks.unlock_perk <perkname> true” can be used however it will not show up properly in the powers panel. Use the full command by using the sim’s id (sims.get_sim_id_by_name).

  • The vampire rank required for the reward must be unlocked first.
  • “40961” tells the game it’s a vampire power perk.
  • <targetsim> is the simID of the sim you’d like to unlock the perk for.
Vampire Perk Code
Alter Emotion bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Bat Form bucks.unlock_perk BatForm true 40961 <targetsim>
Beyond the Herd bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social true 40961 <targetsim>
Cast Hallucination bucks.unlock_perk Hallucinate true 40961 <targetsim>
Child of the Moon bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Command bucks.unlock_perk Command true 40961 <targetsim>
Control Emotion bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 <targetsim>
Creature of the Night bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Dampened Emotions bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Deadened Emotions bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961 <targetsim>
Deprive Needs bucks.unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 <targetsim>
Detect Personality bucks.unlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 <targetsim>
Eternally Welcome bucks.unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome true 40961 <targetsim>
Garlic Immunity bucks.unlock_perk GarlicImmunity true 40961 <targetsim>
Greater Sun Resistance bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Greater Vampiric Slumber bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Immortal Pleasures bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 <targetsim>
Influence Emotion bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Irresistible Slumber bucks.unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 <targetsim>
Manipulate Life Spirit bucks.unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 <targetsim>
Master of Darkness bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961 <targetsim>
Mesmerize bucks.unlock_perk Mesmerize true 40961 <targetsim>
Mist Form bucks.unlock_perk MistForm true 40961 <targetsim>
Occult Disciple bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Occult Master bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_3 true 40961 <targetsim>
Occult Student bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Odorless bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961 <targetsim>
Perfect Sun Resistance bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961 <targetsim>
Sun Resistance bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Supernatural Speed bucks.unlock_perk VampireRun true 40961 <targetsim>
Suppressed Emotions bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Tamed Thirst bucks.unlock_perk TameTheThirst true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampire Creation bucks.unlock_perk VampireCreation true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Allure bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Brawn bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level2 true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Charm bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Fascination bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Might bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Slumber bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Strength bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level1 true 40961 <targetsim>
Vampiric Trance bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961 <targetsim>


Vampire Weaknesses (The Sims 4 Vampires)

Vampire Perk Command
Combustible Plasma bucks.unlock_perk Sunlight_Level3 true 40962 <targetsim>
Day Phobia bucks.unlock_perk DayTime_Level1 true 40962 <targetsim>
Eternal Sadness bucks.unlock_perk EternalSadness true 40962 <targetsim>
Fitful Sleep bucks.unlock_perk FitfulSleeper_Level1 true 40962 <targetsim>
Flammable Flesh bucks.unlock_perk Sunlight_Level2 true 40962 <targetsim>
Guilty DrinkerSleep of the Undead bucks.unlock_perk VampireWithAConscience true 40962 <targetsim>
Insatiable Thirst bucks.unlock_perk InsatiableThirst true 40962 <targetsim>
Intense Day Phobia bucks.unlock_perk DayTime_Level2 true 40962 <targetsim>
Nightbound bucks.unlock_perk DayTime_Level3 true 40962 <targetsim>
Nightmarish Sleep bucks.unlock_perk FitfulSleeper_Level2 true 40962 <targetsim>
Sleep of the Undead bucks.unlock_perk SleepOfTheUndead true 40962 <targetsim>
Sloppy Drinker bucks.unlock_perk InefficientDrinker true 40962 <targetsim>
Thin Skinned bucks.unlock_perk Sunlight_Level1 true 40962 <targetsim>
Uncontrollable Hissing bucks.unlock_perk UncontrollableHissing true 40962 <targetsim>
Undead Aura bucks.unlock_perk UnpleasantAura true 40962 <targetsim>
Withered Stomach bucks.unlock_perk WitheredStomach true 40962 <targetsim>


Skill Cheats (The Sims 4 Vampires)

Cheats Outcome
stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10 Max out Pipe Organ skill
Stats.set_skill_level statistic_Skill_Hidden_VampireLore 15 Max out Vampire Lore skill


Vampire Death Cheats (The Sims 4 Vampires)

Cheats Outcome
stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100 Kill your Vampire Sim by the Sun
traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun Kill your Vampire Sim instantly and turn them into a ghost


Vampire Rank and Power Points (The Sims 4 Vampires)

Cheats Outcome
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 Max Vampire Bar / Gain 2 Power Points


Parenthood Skill Cheats

Cheat Code Skill
AdultMajor_Parenting <value>


Parenthood Household Cheats

Cheat Code Outcome
Change Household Curfew ie. Valid values for <time> are 19, 21, and
23. (7PM, 9PM, and 11PM)


Parenthood Character/Skill Cheats

Cheat Code Character Values
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Empathy
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Manners
lifeSkillStatistic_Responsibility <value>
lifeSkillStatistic_ConflictResolution <value>
Conflict Resolution
lifeSkillStatistic_EmotionalControl <value>
Emotional Control


Parenthood Character Traits Cheats

Cheat Code Character Values Trait
traits.equip_trait GoodManners Good Manners
traits.equip_trait BadManners Bad Manners
traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Responsible Responsible
traits.equip_trait Irresponsible Irresponsible
traits.equip_trait Mediator Mediator
traits.equip_trait Argumentative Argumentative
traits.equip_trait Compassionate Compassionate
traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Unfeeling Insensitive
traits.equip_trait EmotionalControl Emotional Control
traits.equip_trait Uncontrolled Uncontrolled


Parenthood Childhood Phase Cheats


Cheat Code Childhood Phase Trait
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Clingy Clingy
Picky Eater A
Picky Eater B
Picky Eater C
Picky Eater D
Picky Eater E
Picky Eater F
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Loud Loud
Mean Streak
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Bear Bear
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Distant Distant


 Cats & Dogs Cheats 

Cheat Code Outcome
AdditionalVet_1 true
Additional Vet #1 – Unlocks the ability to hire one additional
Vet within the Manage Employees window.
SupplyQuality true
Unlock Vet Supply Quality – Unlocks the ability to set the
quality of vet supplies. This way you can make the vet supplies more
expensive or cheaper.
vetperks_MoreCustomers true
Vet Rush – Temporarily increases the number of patients who
come to your Clinic.
vetperks_LengthenImpatienceTimeout true
Patient Patients – Makes pet owners easier to impress with
quick service and less likely to get upset at slow service.
AdditionalVet_2 true
Additional Vet #2-Unlocks the
ability to hire one additional Vet within the Manage Employees window.
vetperks_InspirationalSpeechSocial true
Inspirational Speech –
Unlocks the “Inspirational Speech” social interaction, which can be
used to inspire your employees.
vetperks_LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true
Lower Employee Training Costs – Lowers the cost of training for
vetperks_LowerChanceBadEvents_Small true
Well Managed-Lowers the chance of bad events happening at the
Vet Clinic while your Sim is away.
ReducePetStress true
Reduce Pet Stress-Decreases how quickly pets become stressed
during vet procedures.
UnlockCASItem true
The Vet Coat-Unlocks a bonus lab coat for your Sims.


Jungle Adventure Cheats

Cheat Code Outcome
stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture
Allows you to change your culture level skill on Selvadoradian. (1-5)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology
Allows you to change the level of your Archaeology skills. (1-10)


Jungle Adventure Cheats

Cheat Code Trait
traits.equip_trait Trait_JungleExplorer Trait of treasure hunters
traits.equip_trait Trait_Archaeology Trait of Archaeology /Museum Patron


Jungle Adventure Cheats

Cheat Code Outcome
traits.equip_trait poison Kill your Sims instantly by poisoning it.
Predict a death by electrocution of your Sim. Once activated, it will be
marked with the seal and when it tries to repair an electrical appliance it
will be electrocuted!
A curse that will place the combustion seal on your Sim. Once activated,
your Sim will fire from time to time !
sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Rare A seal that will kill your sim in excruciating suffering. Activate it and
your sim will succumb to poison three days later.
Will turn your sim or sims into skeletons once activated. Attention,
irreversible action, your sims will be condemned to live as skeletons for the
rest of their days.
sims.add_buff Buff_Skeleton Will allow your sims to take the form of a skeleton for 12 hours. Touched
by the blessing of the bones.
sims.remove_buff Buff_Skeleton Will restore its appearance to a sim and remove the blessing of bones.


Seasons Cheats 

Cheat Code Outcome
{Firstname} {Lastname}
Retrieve SimsID
This will trigger a
lightning strike on a sim of your choosing.
weather.summon_lightning_strike This will trigger a
random lightning strike in your neighborhood
Changes the weather to
Blizzard and Freezing
Changes the weather to
Thunderstorm and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Thunderstorm and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Thunderstorm and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Sunny and Heatwave.
Changes the weather to
Windy and Heatweave.
Changes the weather to
Thundersnow and Freezing.
Changes the weather to
Cloudy and Warm and it will show you a beautiful sunlight through the trees.
Changes the weather to
Sunsnow and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Sunsnow and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Heavy Rain and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Heavy Rain and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Heavy Rain and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Heavy Rain and Hot.
Changes the weather to
Light Rain and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Light Rain and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Light Rain and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Heavy Snow and Freezing.
Changes the weather to
Light Snow and Freezing.
Changes the weather to
Sunny and Hot.
Changes the weather to
Sunny and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Sunny and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Sunny and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Sunny and Freezing.
Changes the weather to
Sun Shower and Hot.
Changes the weather to
Sun Shower and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Sun Shower and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Windy and Freezing.
Changes the weather to
Windy and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Windy and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Windy and Hot
Changes the weather to
Cloudy and Hot.
Changes the weather to
Cloudy and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Cloudy and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Cloudy and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Cloudy and Freezing.
Changes the weather to
Partly Cloudy and Hot.
Changes the weather to
Partly Cloudy and Warm.
Changes the weather to
Partly Cloudy and Cool.
Changes the weather to
Partly Cloudy and Cold.
Changes the weather to
Partly Cloudy and Freezing.



Base Game Collectibles 

Spawning objects is done with the objects.gsi_create_obj cheat, and the object ID. All objects ID’s begin with 0x (#’s/letters) and therefore, the final cheat will look like this:objects.gsi_create_obj 0xEXAMPLECODE






Decorated Eggs












Geodes (Get to Work)


Herbal Remedies (Outdoor Retreat)


Insects (Outdoor Retreat)




Microscope Prints


MySims Trophies






Space Prints


Space Rocks


Collection Plaques

Written by: Ice

Internet lover. Infuriatingly humble music aficionado. Subtly charming introvert. Devoted Sims buff. Wannabe fitness and travel fanatic. Proud gamer.