Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch Notes 1.05 (4/6/17)

    Patch 1.05 Notes

-Improved tutorial placement
-Increased inventory limits
-Single player balance changes: Ammo crates, armor, weapons, attacks, and progression
-Multiplayer balance changes: Weapons, cover, and enemies (see below for detailed notes on balance changes)
-Improved matchmaking and latency in multiplayer
-Added option to skip autopilot sequences in the galaxy map
-Decreased the cost of remnant decryption keys and made them more accessible at merchants
-Improved logic, timing, and continuity for relationships and story arcs
-Improved lip-sync and facial acting during some conversations, including localized VO
-Fixed an issue with Ryder’s movements when running in a zig zag pattern
-Improved the appearance of eyes for human and asari characters
-Fixed various collision issues
-Fixed bugs where music or VO wouldn’t play or wasn’t correct
-Fixed issue where global squad mate banter sometimes wasn’t firing on UNCs
-Fixed issue where player was unable to access the Remnant Console Interface after failing decryption multiple times
-Fixed issue where fast travel is sometimes disabled after recruiting Drack until the player reloads a save
-Fixed issue where Ryder can become stuck in the start of Biotic Charge Pose
-Fixes issues related to some saves
-Fixed issue where objective sometimes becomes un-interactable for players in multiplayer
-Streaming and stability improvements

Patch Notes

Written by: Ozzy

Dreamer, optimist, sci-fi lover, Trekkie, caring supporter, loves GOOD music, loves a good story, laid back, has a thing for Aussie accents, and an avid gamer for fun.