Gunpoint is a puzzle stealth game where you play as a freelance spy assisting with a murder case. In this game, the player has the ability to rewire levels, climb up walls, jump from any distance without fall damage, and jump higher and longer distances with hypertrousers. Through each level in the game, the player needs to solve puzzles by maneuvering through buildings. Each building needs to be ‘re-wired’ to unlock doors. The doors can be opened by using the crosslink tool to rewire sensors, light switches, alarms, etc. to open locked doors.

Guards are another obstacle in the game. Guards patrol the buildings and become more difficult to tackle as levels progress.

Each mission you chose in the game is done through a text messaging type system with the client who hired you for the mission. This system allows the player to pick between a few different responses.

One of the things I love about this game is the autosave feature. After a player dies, a small menu with the last few autosaves is displayed to choose from. Autosave times are typically a few seconds apart.

Another great part of this game was the easy controls. The crosslink tool can be used by scrolling the mouse wheel. The crosslink tool allows the player to look at the wiring. With simple mouse clicks, the player can rewire anything on the same circuit. Circuits are differentiated by colors.

Overall, I found this game to be enjoyable. The objective is always clear. The story delivery and storyline were unique and well-written. My only complaint is the amount of levels and missions. I wish there were more.

Note for all the TF2 hat junkies: If you purchase this game through Steam, as an exclusive/store promotion item, you receive a Crosslinker’s Coil hat. A nice added bonus if you’re into that.

Written by: Ice

Internet lover. Infuriatingly humble music aficionado. Subtly charming introvert. Devoted Sims buff. Wannabe fitness and travel fanatic. Proud gamer.