Cards Against Originality

Love playing Cards Against Humanity but don’t own the physical card game or don’t want to carry around boxes of cards? Cards Against Originality can be played on a mobile device or PC. The game is designed to be played in the same room as other players and not necessarily online but it works great for Skype calls and on team speak servers. Just make sure your device is charged if you are playing on a mobile device. It is not the official app but the site claims to have all of the cards plus 5 expansions. While I cannot verify that, it is still very fun to play.

Once you create a new game, you are given a link to share with anyone you would like to invite to your game. Once they visit the link, they automatically join the game. As with the original Cards Against Humanity game, you will want at least 3 players.

The only downfall is when playing on PC; the wording still shows as “tap” or “drag” as if it was a smartphone or tablet. The game was made by a fan with mobile devices in mind.

Cards Against Originality is a great way to play the party card game digitally. For those who prefer the hard-copies of Cards Against Humanity, they can be found here.

Written by: Guest