Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: The Broken Alliance
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock got a new expansion for its story called The Broken Alliance. I’ll try and keep the spoilers to a minimum but it does involve the colonies of Sagittaron (which we know from the main game is currently involved in a civil war) and Canceron which could bring about the end of Colonial Fleet. Admiral Cain, who we’ve seen play politician a number of times continues to do so and you are her right hand to maintain stability within the fleet.

A more simplified Quorum also helps in the long term.
The new story runs along the same time as the main story and missions are only triggered at the right time when parts of the main story are completed. Or if, like me, you have a save before the final mission of the base game, you’ll be able to go through all the DLC missions with no interruption and just like the base missions, you unlock more items as the game progresses.
The story is good, it feels like what a prequel would be if they had made one. It’s not just simply “robots bad, shoot robots,” you have to deal with politics and keeping everyone happy, which isn’t easy to do.

The quality of life update helps in choosing what ship are good/bad at what.
Gameplay wise, other than the new weapons and ships there isn’t a change to how the game runs but new tactics do arise with the new ships and weapons. Assault Raptors (as we saw from time to time during the re imagined series) are Raptors with massive rocket pods installed on them and by themselves they can do great damage to capital ships but you need to be within range or have them travel there before you can unload all the rockets, they’re not automatic.
The Minerva class was already my favorite ship at first site but I didn’t know how well she was going to actually play when I got her. Put simply, she is a gun platform with engines installed. Her “light battlestar” description, to me, is a lie. She may be weaker than the other battlestars but she makes up with all the firepower she has. Slightly more health than an Artemis class but less armor, she can run in, unload all her weapons and missiles, then run her back to your other ships to protect them.

Guns, guns, and more guns. Oh, and four missile tubes. Have fun.
The new “support” ships are very welcome as they can’t repair a ship, they can apply armor on the fly to any capital ship that needs it. Just make sure you 1) tell it which side of the ship you want to put armor and 2,) make sure you don’t let the support ship die as it has no weapons and very little health and armor. It can also reload missiles on ships.
While I didn’t get to playing the new Cylon ships, I did go against them and simply put, if you wanted to reenact scenes from the show where they’re firing flak to defend against all the missiles incoming, it won’t be that hard to do that anymore. There new support ship, the Hydra, makes a fleets missiles even more deadly and when they all fire at once, especially with the new basestar which ONLY has missile launchers, it’s quite scary. Spam chaff, spam flak, SPAM IT ALL. You’ll need it.
While there is only four songs added to the soundtrack, the composer still did a great job of keeping the musical style of Bear McCreary, still a great addition to the game.

Missile barrages from the new Argos basestars can very easily change the tide of the fight.
This DLC is a nice little addition to the game especially for its price. Grabbing this and the “Reinforcement Pack” for a total of $15 was nice. The Bezerk was also a nice addition as well but the Janus was not my in my style of combat but she is as tough as granite that’s for sure. Both of these ships are part of the Reinforcement pack.
I hope we get a major story addition in the future as I would love to see how the (first) war ends, maybe even getting access to a Mercury class prototype? I know how it ends obviously after watching the show but not from a “fleets” prospective. I want to see what leads up to the “final” battle.