While looking for a visual hero reference guide, I came across a reddit post with a nicely laid out infographic. I wanted to share it here.
This infographic gave a lot of useful information about each hero and assisted quite a bit when attempting to learn characters that I can not play comfortably (for the longest time I did not know what a hit-scan character was but this helped). It is also useful with making a balanced team composition. This infographic is well written and wonderfully put together!
First, lets start with the Keywords:
AoE Healer: Provides consistent area of effect healing or regeneration
AoE Sweeper: Potentially deals high amounts of area damage for point clearing
Anti-sweeper: Prevents team-wiping ultimates from working efficiently
Assassin: Effective at removing priority targets or finishing wounded heroes
Assistant: Enables others to get kills but struggles to perform final blow
Awareness Dependent: Usefulness varies on map knowledge of the player and enemy team
Back-line: Supports the fight from rear, behind the line
Back-line harass: Gets into the enemy back-line and causes problems
Builder: Requires set-up time to be effective; turrets and sentry
Close Range: Strong at fighting point blank
Commander: Enables individual heroes to perform better for a short amount of time
Evasive: Difficult to land a final blow on
Flanker: Has ways of getting behind the enemy team and is effective behind enemy lines
Front Line: Prevents the enemy from pushing and fights directly
Heavy Assault: A special kind of tank that is more of a durable assault
Hit Scan: Uses Hit-Scan weapons to deal most of their damage
Long Range: Strong at long distance fighting
Loner: Can “hold their own” away from the team
Main tank: Strong at protecting the majority of the team
Medium Range: Strong at fighting over moderate distances
Mobile: Can exploit most pathways on the map; able to move easily
Payload-Pusher: Especially strong on payload (*I personally think any hero is decent at payload pushing)
Projectile Dependent: Uses projectile weapons to deal most of their damage
Ramp-up: Needs to be consistently active to be effective
Rusher: Effective at charging into or past the enemy line
Skill Dependent: Usefulness varies on the skill of the player and the enemy team
Spot Healer: Heals single targets
Tank-buster: Deals high amounts of burst damage to remove tanks
Team Player: Requires a grouped-up team to really shine
Tunneled: Vulnerable to attacks from the side and behind but strong up front
The heroes:
Strong Against:
Genji, Mercy, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Bastion
Weak Against:
Lucio, Torbjorn, Pharah, Junkrat
Close-range, Flanker, Assassin, Back-line Harass, Hit-Scan, Evasive, Mobile, Loner
Strong Against:
Winston, Roadhog, Reaper, Lucio, Pharah
Weak Against:
Close-range, Medium Range, Rusher, Assassin, AoE Sweeper, Front Line, Hit-Scan, Skill Dependent, Tank Buster
Strong Against:
Torbjorn, Mei, Hanzo, Zarya
Weak Against:
Zenyatta, Widowmaker, McCree, Soldier 76
Medium Range, Flanker, Front Line, Rusher, AoE Sweeper, Skill Dependent, Projectile Dependent, Assassin
Strong Against:
Winston, Mei, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Bastion
Weak Against:
McCree, Pharah
Close Range, Tank Buster, Flanker, Assassin, AoE Sweeper, Loner, Mobile, Back-Line Harass, Hit-Scan, Evasive, Awareness Dependent
![Soldier 76](http://ansiblegaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/soldier-76.png)
Soldier 76
Strong Against:
Roadhog, D.Va, Pharah
Weak Against:
Medium Range, Front-line, Hit-Scan, Payload Pusher, AoE Healer, Team Player
Strong Against:
Mercy, Lucio, Zenyatta, Widowmaker, Bastion
Weak Against:
Zarya, Winston, Pharah
Close Range, Long Range, Mobile, Tank-Buster, Flanker, Assassin, Loner, Skill Dependent, Evasive, Projectile Dependent
Strong Against:
Pharah, Bastion, Widowmaker
Weak Against:
Zarya, Zenyatta, Symmetra, Lucio
Close Range, Tank Buster, Flanker, Back-Line Harass, AoE Sweeper, Mobile, Evasive, Heavy Assault
Strong Against:
Torbjorn, Roadhog, Widowmaker, Zenyatta
Weak Against:
Tracer, Symmetra, Reaper
Close-Range, Main Tank, Tunneled, Anti-Sweeper, Assassin, Team Player, Payload-Pusher, Rusher
Strong Against:
Junkrat, Pharah, Lucio, Bastion
Weak Against:
Zenyatta, Tracer, Reaper, McCree, Hanzo
Close-Range, Tank Buster, Front Line, Heavy Assault, Assassin, Team Player
Strong Against:
Symmetra, Widowmaker, Genji, Tracer
Weak Against:
Zenyatta, Reaper, McCree
Close-Range, Back-Line Harass, Mobile, Rusher, Main Tank, Payload Pusher, Evasive
Strong Against:
D.Va, Genji, Symmetra, Torbjorn, McCree
Weak Against:
Zenyatta, Reinhardt, Pharah
Close-Range, Medium Range, Risher, Front Line, Ramp-Up, Commander, Payload-Pusher, AoE Sweeper
Strong Against:
Reinhardt, Winston
Weak Against:
Roadhog, Widowmaker, Pharah, Tracer, Genji
Close-Range, Medium Range, Tunneled, Tank-Buster, Back-Line, Builder, Awareness Dependent, Hit-Scan, Team Player
Strong Against:
D.Va, Roadhog, Bastion, Mercy
Weak Against:
Reinhardt, Tracer
Medium Range, Flanker, Back-Line, Tank-Buster, Assassin, Mobile, AoE Sweeper, Projectile Dependent
Strong Against:
Torbjorn, Zenyatta, Reinhardt, Bastion
Weak Against:
Pharah, McCree, Lucio
Medium Range, Back-Line, Flanker, Back-Line Harass, Tank-Buster, AoE Sweeper, Assistant, Projectile Dependent
Strong Against:
Winston, Genji, Reinhardt, Torbjorn
Weak Against:
Widowmaker, McCree
Close-Range, Ramp-Up, Front Line, AoE Sweeper, Commander, Evasive, Awareness Dependent
Strong Against:
Tracer, Roadhog, Genji
Weak Against:
Reinhardt, Widowmaker, D.Va, Junkrat, Zarya
Medium Range, Back-Line, Builder, Ramp-Up, Awareness Dependent, Assistant, Team Player
Strong Against:
Zenyatta, Pharah, Mercy, Torbjorn
Weak Against:
Reinhardt, Winston, Tracer, Genji
Long Range, Back-Line, Assassin, Hit-Scan, Skill Dependent, Tunneled, Loner
Strong Against:
Junkrat, Mei, D.Va, Tracer, Winston
Weak Against:
Genji, McCree, Widowmaker, Roadhog
Medium Range, AoE Healer, Rusher, Projectile dependent, Mobile, Evasive, Anti-Sweeper, Team Player
Strong Against:
Weak Against:
Tracer, Widowmaker, McCree, Genji
Back-Line, Spot Healer, Anti-Sweeper, Team Player, Assistant, Commander, Evasive, Awareness Dependent, Mobile
Strong Against:
D.Va, Genji, Reinhardt
Weak Against:
Winston, Junkrat, Zarya
Close-Range, Builder, Team Player, Ramp-Up, AoE Healer
Strong Against:
D.Va, Pharah, Zarya, Winston
Weak Against:
Widowmaker, Genji, Tracer, Reinhardt
Long Range, Tank-Buster, Assistant, Back-Line, Spot Healer, Skill Dependent, Projectile Dependent, Commander, Anti-Sweeper
Strong Against:
Mercy, Lucio, Bastion, Soldier 76
Weak Against:
Genji, Reaper, D.Va, Winston, Tracer
Long-Range, AoE Healer, Spot Healer, Back-Line, Tunneled
There are a couple of listed counters that I think should be added or disagree with (For example: Soldier 76 has difficulties countering Reinhardt’s shield or Genji and Reaper are weak against Mei), however I am not sure if that is due to my play style or perhaps due to buffs and nerfs since this infographic was posted. I thought this was very thorough! What are some counters that you think should be included or disagree with?
Overwatch Counter Infographic