We here at Ansible Gaming would like to share the games we enjoyed on PC this year. If the game made the list it’s because we enjoyed it and thought the game was enjoyable or brought something new mechanically to the table. We limited this list to games that were released in 2018, this can be either complete games or DLC for a preexisting game that qualifies it for this list. Unfortunately there were a few titles we wanted to add to this list that did meet our requirements that we hope can be improved in 2019. Without further a due here are our top games from 2018.
Wiggin’s List
Super Mega Baseball 2 – If I was to pick a “game of the year” this would be it. This very fun baseball game has a ton of customization that I’ve sunk quite a few hours into the last six months. I hope that 2019 continues to bring improvements to the game as recently the direction they have been going hasn’t been my favorite but it’s a still a fun exciting baseball experience on PC. Check out the full review here.
Eternal Card Game – This game would be my guilty pleasure game, one I’ve enjoyed playing due to the fact that it is free and has really neat card art. My card game expertise is a bit limited but this game I’ve enjoyed quite a bit for its gameplay and the fact that I can have fun without spending any money. The card art and the continuous updates and expansions has also allowed me to come back to something new each time I boot up the game.

Strange Brigade – I enjoyed this co-op game with looting elements set in a fun universe with interesting enemies. While it wasn’t a long campaign and the additional DLC was feeling a bit lackluster the initial experience of finding hidden kitty cats with friends and the excitement of the next boss was quite a fun experience.

Battlefield V – This game is probably the most controversial game on this list by a long shot. I recently had the pleasure of getting in a Tiger tank with my bother and went on quite a fun adventure of killing a couple enemy tanks, a few soldiers and captured a point as a Tiger crew only to watch my brother abandon the tank we had been using with deadly precision as it exploded into flames. Maybe it was who I was playing with or maybe it was the World War II influences that brought me back Battlefield 1942 that got it on this list. This game does have a ton of potential and just as many flaws but boy does it have some fantastic moments.

IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles (Bodenplatte) – While I did not get to spend as much time with this title as I would have liked to this year it still made the list. The flight model and graphical fidelity of the airplanes depicted took my breath away. I ended up pre-ordering the Bodenplatte standalone expansion via their website as it will have late war US planes I’m most interested in flying and got the ability to enjoy a P-47 this year. I can’t wait for more in 2019. This is hands down the best World War II flight sim on the market even without the clickable cockpits just due to the available planes at a reasonable price point.

Ozzy’s List
1. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: I’ve said this before, I have not played any classic Tomb Raider game, only the reboot series and I will say I have loved every second of it. Good, single player story telling feels rare nowadays and while this third installment felt the shortest of the three (or maybe I was so into it I ran through it as fast as possible?) I still very much enjoyed it. And, slight spoilers, I do look forward to what the fourth story will be. As long as they don’t take out the good story telling. She can be kick ass, dual wielding pistols, hiding guns somewhere on her really short dress and swan diving into the floor all she wants, just don’t take out the good story.

2. Jurassic World Evolution: Being a fan of Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, I looked forward to this ‘totally not a sequel’ to it. I will say, besides the ridiculous subordinates getting mad at you and possibly ruining your park because you didn’t finish there contract or you not talking to them, it is a great game. A simple park sim, keep everyone alive and happy with plenty of things to do and you’ll make a lot of money in no time.
All the dinosaurs look, sound, and ‘feel’ real. They have
demands, get angry when they got them, and rampage. The herbivores
(‘veggiesores’) aren’t so easy to take care of either.
Comparatively I had more problems keeping them happy then any
carnivore I’ve had to deal with so far.

3. Elite Dangerous – Beyond Chapter 4 Update: While the game has been out for a number of years, I’m still totally in love with it. And the latest update has completely revamped exploration and mining, two of the most boring things in the game. While mining hasn’t exactly gone from a sitting at home on the weekends doing nothing to ‘raving all night, every night, alright alright alright,’ now we can actually search for the goodies instead of just mindlessly going from rock to rock going “I wonder what this has…” Digging into the rock to get to things and blowing it up to get the fancy center. Not only that, new resources have been added and theirs currently a gold rush going on. I personally have made a half a billion credits in 2 days just from mining, more than I ever have before.
But the real thing I’m more happy about is exploration. Finally something that intrigues me to go out and search. I’ve always been a lazy explorer. I don’t want to spend time traveling to a planet just to find out its worth nothing. I just want to look around, see if anything fancy is there, if not, move on. Being able to do that now, honestly feels great. I’m still not the ‘Jean-Luc’ explorer I wish to be but I’m getting there.
The final note, two new ships were added with everyone in love with the “space mustang” known as the Mamba (below.) The fastest combat ship in the game, overheats like no ones business, but goes really fast in a straight line. I’ve yet to buy it but I’m very interested in trying it out soon.

Thank you!
We at Ansible Gaming want to thank everyone and anyone who stopped by this site in 2018 or retweeted one of our tweets or showed support of us in even the smallest way. These acts do go unnoticed and we greatly appreciate them. We hope everyone had a great 2018 and played some new and exciting games. We are hopeful 2019 brings us more enjoyable games and lets us experience these games with each other! Happy New Year and you can always jump in our discord and come hangout!