With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.
Battlefield 5 trailer released
Battlefield 5 trailer was revealed showing us the upcoming game in the series.
Ozzy’s Thoughts: I…just…can’t… Watching that trailer…I honestly thought I was looking at the next Call of Duty. That trailer was everything I don’t like about CoD. Explosions, explosions, screaming, explosions, body sliding with an MG to murder people from behind, V1 rocket, explosions. After CoD 3, the series turned into a “multi-kill, kill streak, 360 no scope, WTFBBQ” and of course zombies, and I never was attracted to that at all. Seeing the, what has been said to be the “co-op” trailer which it really isn’t, I’m still not enticed to play the next BF5, if not more so. I know the argument about “BF/CoD are the same thing” and in a basic sense they’re right, but what made them unique from each other seems to be lost now. Now it’s slowly becoming “CoD/CoD with vehicles.”
And for the record, I’m not at all against women (FINALLY!!!) joining the battlefield/war games and no I’m not against the “it’s not historically accurate” thing (WHY TF IS A V1 BEING USED A CLOSE SUPPORT WEAPONS!?.) I don’t mind either of those things, if you’ve played BF1, you’d know that historical accuracy is more/less 3rd or 4th on the menu of BF but it’s within the realm of “maybe” but seeing a V1 crash down for support, seeing someone with a “hook arm” getting shot then completely fine then spawning later (multiplayer?,) returning a grenade (cool) shooting a grenade out of the air to blow up a plane…okay come on. Is this game for youtubers now? Give me a break.
John “TotalBiscuit” Bain passes away
In 2014 Bain was diagnosed with bowel cancer and he has built his career on Youtube as a video games critic and casting Starcraft 2. Along with his WTF Is.. series where we would take big or small games and do an in depth criticism of these games. He also ran a weekly gaming related podcast where he and co-hosts would discuss the gaming news. It reemerged last year after being in remission. He passed away 24th May 2018 and will be missed by many.

Source: www.criticalhit.net
Wiggin’s thoughts on the subject : I found Totalbiscuit many years ago when he was doing his World of Warcraft videos and continued to watch many of his WTF Is… through the years even though that slowed down in recent months. I would like to bring up though that one of the reasons I enjoyed his videos at the time was him advocating 60 fps games and higher fields of view. I realize these have pretty much turned into tag lines now to his followers but as someone who suffers from motion sickness personally it’s always nice to see what games have higher FOV so I can enjoy a game longer and not get that wonderful sick feeling. To me it’s similar to issues people have with color blindness or other ways games can increase the accessibility of the player. I’ve always appreciated that he brought those issues to light because lets be real here, developers haven’t been as forthcoming with those types of accessibility type issues on the store page or game boxes. He also divided many people and upset many others. I’m not here to defend his actions as we all do things because we think we are doing the right thing. I just wish we would remember we are all human and we all will pass at some point, think before you speak and cherish the time you have with the people you care about.