With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.
PUBG cheating software includes Trojan horse
It would appear that PUBG Corp. have finally cracked down on some suspects that were distrusting anti cheat software for PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds. As quoted from the press release on steam: “15 major suspects including “OMG”, “FL”, “火狐”, “须弥” and “炎黄” were arrested for developing hack programs, hosting marketplaces for hack programs, and brokering transactions. Currently the suspects have been fined approximately 30mil RNB ($5.1mil USD). Other suspects related to this case are still being investigated.
Some hack programs that are being distributed through the internet includes a Huigezi Trojan horse*(Chinese backdoor) virus. It was proven that hack developers used this virus to control users’ PC, scan their data, and extract information illegally.” The release continues to state: “The longstanding rumor that hacking/cheating programs extract information from users’ PCs has been confirmed to be true. Using illegal programs not only disrupts others, but can end up with you handing over your personal information.” This type of information is both troubling and quite disheartening to hear.
Wiggin’s thoughts on the subject : So it would seem to be that rumors regarding hacking software stealing your info and potentially selling it to someone else or worse is true. I have little sympathy for those that choose to cheat in an online game, where is your sense of honor ? You’re not doing it because you’re the one writing the code and are testing your skills. You’re cheating in a game for personal gains and potentially spending money to do so. There is no honor in this type of behavior and anything you gain from it is superficial to say the least. For this reason I don’t have much sympathy for these people that are losing their personal info, while it does suck, so does wasting time playing with cheaters. They take their own well being into their hands when they get these cheats and may be paying more than money for them. I hope that the amount of cheating goes down in this game because I’ve run into some very weird instances that look like cheating but I’ve never been able to prove it. If they want this game to be taken seriously they need to do a better job at anti cheat measures.
Brigitte soon-to-be nerfed in OW
PC Gamer reported a new round of changes on the Overwatch PTR with Brigitte being the main focus, with Ana following a close second. To sum up, Bridgitte was finally put in comp and it seems no one there is happy. Quickly after she was added to Comp, they announced she’s being nerfed. Ana’s getting a buff and a much needed change to her weapon by passing through allies who are already at 100% health.

Source: www.guiltybit.com
Ozzy’s Thoughts: While Ana’s update is very welcome because I always liked playing her but she was always a pain when allies decided to walk in front of me at the exact moment I was needed the most, Bridgitte getting nerfed only after going into comp, after she’s be such an annoyance in Quick Play just annoys me. Blizzard you could’ve tested her, tweaked her, and balanced her long ago because you should’ve seen that she was broken. I get what she’s suppose to be but she was broken from day one but now that all the pro players are crying NOW you nerf her? Do the rest of the games audience just not matter? Come on now.