With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.
Battlefield V (2018) getting Battle Royale mode
According to “someone with knowledge of the studio,” Dice is working on a Battle Royale game mode for Battlefield 2018 as reported by PCGamer. It’s not known whether the mode will launch with the game or after launch or even if it will make it into the game.

Source: venturebeat.com
Ozzy’s Thoughts: While hearing about the next Battlefield game being set in WWII then the rumor of it having some kind of “co-op” mode but now possibly getting a BR mode…well put simply it does not at all surprise me. Battle Royale is HUGE (right now) and everyone and everything seems to want to try and get it on it and make there mark on it. The two heavy hitters (PUBG, FortniteBR) don’t seem to be loosing anytime soon but now we’re (possibly) getting a new contender. Soon to be the big three possibly? As a Battlefield fan, I have not been looking forward to the next BF game but now with this “mode” possibly coming…*heavy sigh.* If they made this a separate game (EA’s BR game) that’s fine, but all I can think of now is how bad Battlefield: Hardline was. Not in the sense of it being a bad game, it was fine. But it was advertised as “Cops and Robbers” which could’ve been unique but it’s just Battlefield 4 in downtown LA. So is the next one going to be Battlefield 1 BR in 1940’s Berlin?
Can this fade be over with yet?