With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.
The Crew 2 Gamplay Trailer
Wiggin’s thoughts on the subject : The Crew 2 released a “gameplay” trailer this week. To suffice to say it doesn’t really have much gameplay in it and it’s more of an announcement trailer then an actual game play trailer so it’s a bit disappointing. I would of liked to see some actual gameplay from this title specifically more on the different types of planes and boats that will be in the game. I like the overall concept of being able to switch back and forth between different vehicles and collect different types of planes or boats. I hope we can dog fight and have other types of interesting gameplay options instead of focusing on just on racing the boats planes and cars. I am a big fan of realistic racing games so I appreciate when a racing game gets it right and I hope that this is more on the semi realistic side then full arcade but with Ubisoft at the helm I’m not holding my breath. We will find out what the game holds in store for us on Jun 29th, 2018.
Battlefront 2 has a new progression system
The new progression system mentioned on PC Gamer is finally coming to Battlefront 2, with premium currency returning as well. However, unlike the previous pay-to-win aspect of the original game, you will no longer need to get loot boxes in order to upgrade. Now a “proper” XP type system is coming to level up cards and the premium currency will only be for purchasing outfits/looks for you hero’s and troopers but will be able to buy these things with in-game credits as well.

Source: Starwarsblocg.starwars.com
Ozzy’s Thoughts: Riiiiiight. So…there better be more than this compared to the rest of the game. I’m sick of dealing with some kind of constant lag, either for myself or others. Not to say an actual change to the progression system isn’t needed, its been needed since day one, its been needed before day one, just two things come up immediately. 1) WHY did it take so long to do this? Even a placeholder progression system would’ve been better than waiting FOUR BLOODY MONTHS for a change. And 2) is this new progression system going to take just as long as now to level up or is it going to be slower? Since there are “so many cards” and comparing to Battlefield games which are comparatively quick to unlock all weapons/gadgets but take a LONG time to actually max out your rank. So will all the “leveling up” be based on rank?
But hey, it’s all made up for the fact that we can finally make our characters look the way we want them too. Thanks EA/Dice, makes up for all the problems. (sarcasm.)