With the speed at which news comes out in the gaming industry we sometimes miss important or news worthy things. Some of these things we want to talk about in a way that is both easy for you guys and allows us to get all the facts together as some of these stories develop quickly. Sometimes we also just cover topics that we find interesting and want to discuss.
Eve Onlines ‘Million Dollar Battle’
Earlier in the week lines were being drawn in the Eve Universe between two major player factions The Imperium and Pandemic Horde as The Imperium began marching its massive fleet towards Pandemic space. Many fans of the game where waiting for this battle to arrive as with the amount of ships, each controlled by a real person (6,100 in total) this fight was going to mark the biggest battle in Eve Online history with an estimated $1,000,000 worth of destruction. This is just a monetary comparison of game time (subscription time) spent on the game, not actually spending a million on these digital item. Sadly this epic battle that everyone knew was coming, including the developers, didn’t happen. Or rather it didn’t happen in the way we were all expecting. Due to a glitch in there server (being a single instance server) and the overall technology behind Eve’s game (Time Dilation) caused the battle, that everyone knew would take time, was not progressing the way anyone wanted. Both sides were no longer worrying about fighting each other and worried about being kicked from the server, crashing there game, and actually trying to get there ship to do anything.
After many hours, The Imperium retreated and time will tell if they attempt another push in that system as game play gives them another chance to attack next week. 10,000 viewers on twitch were very disappointed and the previously reported (in the main stream media) “1,000,000 dollar battle” never happened. But will see next week.

Source: mmoexaminer.com
Ozzy’s Thoughts: While I’ve not played Eve Online extremely intently in a long time, only recently I started a new character because of the recently changed F2P mechanic, but I digress. I had heard vaguely about this battle coming and while I do not know nor care about the politics of it, as a lover of technology I was thinking how could the Eve server (singular) handle so many people in one place. The previous major battle that happened was a total of around $300,000 but this was going to be the battle to end all battles. While this battle didn’t work out the way anyone wanted, personally, I find the fact that you’re able to get 6000+ players into one spot and have them fight (limited though it may be) is amazing. The fact that there “super computer” can even have handle that many people in one spot and not instance them off to different servers is just remarkable for game, for anything really. Yes a glitch in the server may have doomed the battle from the beginning, but hopefully the devs will fix it before the next battle (if it happens.) Either way, regardless of what views you have of the game, regardless of what side you’re on in this battle, the fact that technology has come this far to be able to handle this battle should be applauded to CCP Ggames and the fact that they long ago could’ve done an instancing server and made there and everyone’s else lives a bit easier but the stuck to a single instance and have never back down and we get stories such as this.
Well done CCP Games.
Anthem is delayed, Bioware wants to “double down”
According to an article published by Kotaku according to sources say that Anthem will now release in early 2019 instead of it’s original release window of fall of 2018. According to a developer that spoke to Kotaku ” To BioWare staff, the stakes feel higher than they ever have. As one developer told me, there’s a belief that if Anthem doesn’t live up to EA’s expectations, BioWare will look very different in the future, especially after the disappointment of Mass Effect Andromeda led to EA absorbing BioWare Montreal into the studio EA Motive.” This information seems to be the reason that EA pushed back the release of Anthem, they want to make sure that they get it as right as possible.

Source: reddit.com
Wiggin’s thoughts on the subject : So game delays aren’t really a big thing these days as they can happen quite frequently and with good reason. This time though it seems like quite a pointless announcement. The game had no solid release date to begin with originally other then fall of 2017. To then get information that Bioware is moving the release date a couple months off isn’t that big of a news announcement if I say so myself. However the reasoning itself for pushing the release date is quite a bit more interesting because that means they are worried about the quality and content of their game before release. This is good because they are paying attention to the overall climate of the gaming landscape and want to make sure they dot all there Is and cross their Ts in terms of making sure things are up to proper standards. I want to be happy about this development as I want it to mean that EA and Bioware are taking the proper steps to ensure that their game is in top shape. We will have to see what the product that is released ends up being like and hope that it delivers both commercially and what the publisher expects it to perform like. I look forward to it’s release in 2019.