Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

Or Tomb Raider: The Rise of, whichever you prefer. The second gives it more of a “movie style” feel to it doesn’t it?
Moving on…our Lara is back and she’s almost all grown up. Out to redeem her father’s name, she goes an expedition to find proof that what he was searching for in his last years was real: something that is the key to never ending life.
Classic Croft…
Don’t worry, no major spoilers here, you find this out in the first 5-10 minutes of the game so don’t hold your breath. That and this is the PC version of the game, so if you really wanted this game, you probably already seen YouTube of people playing on Xbox since it came out last year. But still don’t worry in case you were waiting for it and haven’t spoiled yourself, NO MAJOR SPOILERS HERE!