Tales of the Borderlands Review

I will be upfront and honest that when I originally played the first Borderlands, two things were being constantly shoved in my face: 1) My computer at the time could barely run it at 30FPS and 2) “Wait until the ending…” of which I was constantly teased about from Wiggin as it is (SPOILERS) disappointing. Then when BL2 came along, for some reason Wiggin wanted to try it out but my old computer could barley run it at 10FPS so sadly I never got to fully play it until many years after it had come out on my new computer.
With that being said, after finishing the first Borderlands…I was not exactly the biggest fan of it at the time, being younger and all also had something to do with it. But then growing up a bit, being able to play both games at a minimum of 60fps and ...