Papers, Please is an indie puzzle game developed by Lucas Pope and published by 3909 LLC.
During story mode of Papers,Please, you play a 31-day campaign as an immigration inspector at a border checkpoint in Arstotzka who was chosen to work through a job lottery as a border passport inspector. The goal is to earn money each day to cover expenses such as rent, food, heat to keep the family alive, healthy and warm.
Throughout the duration of the game, an organization by the name EZIC requests assistance with their revolt plans. The player can choose to comply or ignore the organization’s requests and work dutifully. Some applicants also try to bribe the player to gain access into the country.

The player is to inspect passports and other documents deemed necessary for entry. Every entrant handled properly is worth 5 credits. Every entrant that is handled incorrectly will result in a citation. After 2 citations for the day, the player will begin to lose credits.
If the entry documents are determined to be in good order, the player can interrogate the immigrant about the discrepancy. Sometimes the applicant will need to provide further information such as fingerprints, a full body scan, or the rest of the necessary documents. After integration, the player can stamp approval on the passport, deny entry, or arrest the applicant.

After completing story mode by reaching ending number 20/20, you are given a code for endless mode (62131).

Endless mode has 3 play options. Timed mode where the inspector is scored on processing as many travelers as possible in 10 minutes, Perfection mode where the game is over after the first penalty, and Endurance mode where you play until the balance is negative.

Papers, Please is a truly exceptional game. It gets more complex as it progresses, has a really great storyline, and really makes you think. I was just following orders.